What I Teach

All workshops are on hold until government restrictions are lifted re Covid-19; contact me for further updates

After School Club

A unique after-school program four days a week for children

Holiday Program

Fun in the workshop for children during the holidays 

Support for education and commerce

Contact me today to discuss your interest

Teacher training

I work alongside staff or children to help build anything from tree-houses to pirate ships, pink dinosaurs, to castles.

However what we are really building, are lasting legacies to pride and success and in the process we create confident learners.

I am passionate about the teaching and learning opportunities that exist when children are given the opportunity to solve problems for themselves within their own environment.

Talk to me about working in your kindergarten, school or college and I will show you  what is possible when children are fully engaged in ‘hands-on’ practical build projects.

Team building

One of the common requests from HR and business owners is to develop problem solving abilities and creativity amongst its teams.

Any of my workshops can be used in the group setting for building communication, bonding and trust in the workplace.

Contact me today to discuss what will work with your team.